Monday, January 2, 2012

new year

already 2hb, not too lateee to wishhh a heppy new year!
x wish pon xpe kot, nothing spesel pon..
perubahan bila da masuk 2012 ni, 
sedar la seket weh diri tu dah maken tua..
pasni kalo orang tanye lu umur bape.. dah tak bole jawab muda lagi baru 20..
dah 21 bebb.. even tarikh  lahir belum lagi still kene cakap 21..yeww that's reality.
coz u were born on 1991..zzz

normal thingy , tahun baru azam baru,
but seriesli i dont have any!
wa x rase langung ni tahun baru.. rasa macam still on 2011.
maybe shud decide some azam la ntok tahun baru..

emm nothing much i expect just few things :

can complete my internship successfully & achieve the objective of it =.='
membesar jadi orang yg matang fikiran nya.
can spend lebih banyak masa wif family,
and last but not least, be a solehah woman.

* kurang jajan as well..

on the other note , expect less from people coz they might hurt u with their broken promises.
dont make people as priority if they make u as an option- cool quote from someone~

baru je makan kek secret recipe blek forest nyumyy ^^

chill and salam bebehh

☺☺ .mine. ☺☺

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